Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Monday, 9 July 2012

Hello everybody, today we went snorkeling. We saw some HUGE fishes. Some were at least a meter! We also saw LOTS of coral!!!!!!!!!! It was good fun . We went on a really fast boat . The place we went snorkeling is called pigeon island, because of the exotic bird species, which are only found on that island, nowhere else in the world. They are about as rare as a Takahae. Did I mention that we saw lots of fish? We saw Dori, Scar and even Bob! It's like tank gangs summer vacation home! More soon,Nick

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Hi guys. Today we went to the cave temples. There are 5 temples. Each one has at least one statue of Buddha in each temple. Buddha was  a teacher. He tought people how to live there life well. In buddhist religion,their goal is to reach Nevada . Nevada is like buddhist heaven. You see, Buddha made 5 rules for his followers to,ah,follow . One,for example, was no drinking. Another was don't kill animals. If you followed those 5 rules, you would be one step closer to Nevada. Then there is another set of rules, and another set, and another and, well, you get the idea. When you've done all the rules, you get this crowny thing called the inlightenment. It means you are destined to go to Nevada. Buddha is the first person to go to Nirvada. More soon, Nick.
PS: today i rode on an Elephant!!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

 Hi everyone. Today we went to the elephant orfphanage. I got to feed the baby one.  I Think their trunk is lots like a hand. I'll tell you why. The muscular district makes the transmiting device blah blah blah.....................................na, just kidding. Its because the trunk has a hangy over bit that enables it to grasp onto things, such as fruit.Pretty cool, huh?

Friday, 29 June 2012

Hello everyone. A few days ago we went on a safari. It was in one of many national parks. I saw elephants, monkeys, leopards, mongooses and lots of birds. Later on in the day we went to my great uncle Michael’s grave and bungalow. We also went to the bird sanctuary that Michael found and built. Did you know he tied a python to his bed to keep his guns safe? Or that he had a bed that opened up and hid his guns and hunting knives? Amazing huh?

Monday, 25 June 2012

Hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeellllllllllooooooooooo people of New Zealand what’s up (or what’s down). Today the family went snorkeling. We saw absolutely heaps of fish. It was fun. In fact, it was supercallerfrajilisticexpialladoshus. And we didn’t just see fish. Oh no, we also saw sea slugs. Who would’ve thought! And we also saw………………drum roll please. Da-da-da-da-da………………………………………………..rocks. It’s a miracle. Who would’ve thought! Now, changing the subject, today we saw a snake. Not a caged- up- in- the- zoo- fancy-nancy-I’m-sooo-rare-and-pretty snake. No, this was a humble, common but wild, proper, full-on rat snake. Now, changing the subject a couple of days ago we went to the silk factory. Not fake silk. No, this is fresh out of a silk worm silk. Now the white things on the leaf are silk worms. Now AGAIN changing the subject (what, so I do it a lot) the last picture is one of which shows how high the tsunami was.  Dangerous times! P.S. The red line shows how high it was.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Hello anyone who is looking (or reading) at this. Today the family went to the turtle hatchery in Bentota. As you would expect, it had lots of turtles. Who would of thought? Any way, we saw an albino (means lack of colour) which is very rare. Like in 2000000 eggs, only one would be albino. I would like to tell you a story of survival. Well, it happened on Boxing Day 2004.The day was going well. No-one knew that they were about to plunge into peril. Suddenly, all the water in the beach went rushing and gushing out. Everyone (except the people who knew what was happening) ran outside to see what was going on. That was there big mistake. Suddenly, an 8 metre wave came rushing in. Someone grabbed that exact same albino and sprinted as fast as he could up the nearest hill and that is how this extraordinary animal survived this humongous tsunami. The hatchery didn’t just have albinos. They had green turtles, hawks beak turtles, Oliver Ribly turtles and leather back turtles.
What is going on in New Zealand? Or should I say how HOT (or should I say cold?)is it? Any way, it is at least 28 degrees. I heard it was only 4 degrees a few days ago. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! And yesterday I thought 28 degrees was a bit nippy. I don’t want to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Just a quick note: i have changed the "comment" settings to allow anyone to post, and added a few email addreses that somehow were left out. Cheers, Gary.

This mans name is Jim. He is an old family friend. And when I say old ,Imean old. Like,at least 80 years old . He was in the army. He worked in the tea buisness with my great grandad. He had some funny stories about a bear ,a python,a horse ,a dog and a bedroom. It didn't go well for the dog. He ,ahhh sort of got eaten. Poor dogy-wogy.
Hey-ho you guys, whats been going on? We are on stop two of goodness knows how many, we are in Colombo. Its the largest city. Its about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, which means it ia about midnight back there. Its very humid, which means you sweat A LOT!! It is a very exciting and busy place. More soon. Nick

When Nick gets out of the pool, he promises to update his blog. In the meantime,here are some of his pictures. Gary.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Hi this is just a tester but man I am excited!One Week to go...