Tuesday, 3 July 2012

 Hi everyone. Today we went to the elephant orfphanage. I got to feed the baby one.  I Think their trunk is lots like a hand. I'll tell you why. The muscular district makes the transmiting device blah blah blah.....................................na, just kidding. Its because the trunk has a hangy over bit that enables it to grasp onto things, such as fruit.Pretty cool, huh?


  1. Hi Nick & family,

    We had a very nice earthquake last night. It went on for a long time. I was in my bed when it happened.

    It is cold here but not windy. The days are just starting to get a little bit lighter a little bit earlier in the morning.

    Keep the pictures coming - & the blogs entries. It makes me imagine what you are seeing and describing.


  2. Hi Anna,

    Thank you for taking the time to do your blog for us.

    Matthew & the girls have gone to Australia.

    Last Sunday I went up to Waikanae to visit your Grandad Tony. We went for a walk down to the little river.

    We tried out a little bit of the new track through the sand-dunes - it was pretty good for a wheechair to go on - but a bit steep in some places.

    It seems like nature is sleeping here in New Zealand - everything is quiet and closed up except for a few types of flowers.



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